David Knies

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#WhyIRide #WhyIFight

We need to find a cure for cancer as quickly as possible. Its #WhyIRide. 

While I'm not going to find the cure, I can raise money to support the efforts of the heroes at Dana-Farber who are getting closer to finding a cure everyday. So I've committed to ride in this year's Pan-Mass Challenge (PMC) and in this past weekend's PMC Resolution

Everyone has been deeply affected by cancer. 

Whether "The Emperor Of Maladies" has struck your parent, relative, sibling, child, spouse, colleague, friend, neighbor, grandparent, in-law, uncle, aunt, cousin, teammate, lover - or you're a survivor yourself, we all know that cancer sucks and needs to be beaten in our lifetime. 

We can put people on the moon (allegedly), enable same-day-delivery of consumer goods by drone, make it possible for people to get from LA to SF in an hour via Hyperloop, order booze delivery at the push of a button and share pictures of our food with complete strangers on social media - so we must be able to find a cure for cancer.

The people working for a cure at the world's leading cancer institutes - like Boston's Dana-Farber - are the true heroes of the 21st century. And the team at the Pan-Mass Challenge (PMC) led by Billy Starr, has raised nearly half a BILLION (with a B) dollars for Dana-Farber since 1980. In fact, the money raised annually by PMC funds nearly 50% of Dana-Farber's annual budget. 

Our team at Breakaway was thrilled both ride in the PMC Resolution this past weekend and to announce our partnership with the Pan-Mass Challenge this past week. We'll be helping to grow the PMC Resolution into a much larger, regional and national event that helps the PMC raise even more money. Even cooler, the PMC Resolution was hosted by a Breakaway portfolio company, EverybodyFights (EBF). The team at EBF inspires me everyday, and are a big part of #WhyIFight everyday. 

I rode on both Friday PM and early Saturday AM, and thanks to the generosity of friends and family, was able to beat the $250 fundraising commitment by 5x. Our Breakaway team raised nearly $6,000 to support PMC. More about our partnership here. 

And we're just getting started. 

We'd love for you to join us at this summer's PMC and at next year's PMC Resolution. I'll be hitting you up for donations for sure! And if you rode, we'd love to hear what you thought.